Wastewater Lift Station Measurement Challenges
Smart solutions to monitor, control and operate Lift stations in wastewater collection system
Lift station operation is relatively simple and well understood, but problems often arise due to errors in the measurement of wet well level, pump inflow, pump outflow and other parameters. Installing the right instruments for each of these measurement points ensures reliable lift station operation, and keeps wastewater flowing from collection points to the treatment plants without overflows or spills.
Measurement and Control in Lift Stations
Ideally, a sewer system would be completely gravity powered. However, this is rarely possible because of economic or physical limitations, most common being flat terrain. Therefore, lift stations must be employed to move wastewater to a wastewater treatment plant. Various parameters are measured in a lift station to ensure efficient operation. Challenges here are numerous but smart solutions ensures lift station control at lower cost of ownership and relieves common maintenance issues.